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Type: Monografia
Title: Traumatismo cranioencefálico na infância: perfil clínico-epidemiológico em um serviço de emergência
Author: Paulino, Sarah Gondim Santos
First advisor: Dozza, Ana Luísa Casado Brasil
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor-co1: Lima, Marcela Monteiro Gonçalves de
metadata.dc.contributor.referee1: Dozza, Ana Luísa Casado Brasil
metadata.dc.contributor.referee2: Lima, Marcela Monteiro Gonçalves de
metadata.dc.contributor.referee3: Sostruznik, Stefânia Simon
metadata.dc.contributor.referee4: Cioccari, Giani
Resume: descrever o perfil clínico-epidemiológico de pacientes pediátricos vítimas de trauma craniano e analisar as possíveis associações relacionadas à gravidade do trauma. Método: estudo transversal e analítico, baseado na análise de prontuários de pacientes com idades entre 0 e 14 anos atendidos por trauma cranioencefálico (TCE), entre janeiro de 2018 a janeiro de 2020, na emergência de um hospital de referência da região sul do Brasil. Resultados: amostra de 216 participantes, caracterizada por pacientes do sexo masculino (60,6%), brancos (94%), com média de idade de 5,1 anos (±3,6). O trauma leve foi o mais frequente (90,7%) e queda menor ou igual a um metro foi a etiologia mais prevalente (48,1%). Dos sinais e sintomas avaliados, a cefaleia foi o único sintoma que não obteve associação significativa com gravidade do trauma (p<0,942). A tomografia computadorizada de encéfalo (TC) foi o exame mais solicitado (80%). Dos pacientes que realizaram TC, 15,4% não tiveram alterações ao exame. Na amostra avaliada, 30,5% dos pacientes necessitaram de internação hospitalar e 6,4% foram submetidos a algum tipo de intervenção neurocirúrgica. Um total de 92,6% recebeu alta hospitalar sem nenhuma sequela enquanto 1% evoluiu para óbito. Dos pacientes com TCE leve, 27% evoluíram para lesões clinicamente importante. Conclusões: o TCE na população infantil tem predomínio de lesões leves, mas que podem evoluir para lesões mais importantes. Deve-se atentar aos sinais e sintomas associados aos traumas moderados a graves e àqueles que podem levar ao desenvolvimento dessas lesões importantes sob o ponto de vista clínico.
Abstract: to describe the clinical and epidemiological profile of pediatric patients who are victims of head trauma and to analyze the possible associations related to the severity of trauma. Method: cross-sectional and analytical study, based on the analysis of medical records of children aged 0 to 14 years who suffered head trauma, treated between January 2018 and January 2020, in the emergency department of hospital São Vicente de Paulo (HSVP), located in southern Brazil. Results: with a sample of 216 participants, the epidemiological profile was characterized by male patients (60.6%), white (94%), with a mean age was 5.1 years (±3.6). Mild trauma was the most frequent (90.7%) and a fall of less than or equal to one meter was the most prevalent etiology (48.1%). Of the signs and symptoms evaluated, headache was the only symptom that did not have a significant association with trauma severity (p<0.942). Computed tomography of the brain (CT) was the most requested examination (80%). Of the patients who underwent CT, 15.4% had no alterations on the examination. In the sample evaluated, 30.5% of the patients required hospitalization and 6.4% underwent some type of neurosurgical intervention. About the outcome, it was revealed that 92.6% were discharged from the hospital without any sequelae, while 1% died. Of the patients observed with mild trauma, 27% evolved to clinically important injury. Conclusions: head trauma in the infant population has a predominance of mild lesions, but may evolve to more important lesions. One should pay due to the associated signs and symptoms Conclusions: head trauma in the infant population has a predominance of mild lesions, but which may evolve to more important lesions. Attention should be given to the signs and symptoms associated with moderate to severe trauma and those that may lead to the development of clinically important lesions.
Keywords: Epidemiologia
Traumatismos craniocerebrais
Language: por
Country: Brasil
Publisher: Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul
Acronym of the institution: UFFS
College, Institute or Department: Campus Passo Fundo
Type of Access: Acesso Aberto
Issue Date: 2021
Appears in Collections:Medicina

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