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Type: Dissertação
Título : Robótica educacional: uma proposta para a educação básica
Author: Andrade, Juliana Wallor de
First advisor: Binotto, Rosane Rossato
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor-co1: Kist, Milton
Resume: Nos dias atuais, a robótica educacional vem assegurando-se como uma ferramenta de aprendizagem amplamente útil, apesar de ainda emergente no Brasil. Dessa forma, o presente trabalho pretende ampliar e incentivar o uso da metodologia LEGO® nas atividades práticas das escolas públicas da rede estadual, utilizando robótica educacional, especialmente nas aulas de Matemática e Física, no Ensino Médio bem como nas aulas de Matemática do Ensino Fundamental. Quando inserida em sala de aula, conjuntamente com os conteúdos abordados, a robótica educacional exerce o papel de facilitadora ao professor, em função de suas contribuições no auxílio à aprendizagem dos alunos. Deste modo, este trabalho apresenta uma proposta de atividades de robótica educacional, para professores da Educação Básica, a fim de que eles possam aplicá-las em sala de aula utilizando os materiais disponíveis na escola onde atuam. Consequentemente apresenta-se um aporte para aprofundamento do currículo escolar e a importância que o planejamento e a metodologia podem oferecer quando do desenvolvimento de projetos relacionados aos mais diversos temas, de acordo com a necessidade e o contexto de cada comunidade escolar. Nesse processo, faz-se relevante o ensino através dos temas transversais, uma vez que estes abordam questões cotidianas do indivíduo.
Resumen : Nowadays, educational robotics has been assuring itself as a widely useful learning tool, although it is still emerging in Brazil. In this way, the present work intends to extend and to encourage the use of the LEGO® methodology in the practical activities of the public schools of the state network, using educational robotics, especially in Mathematics and Physics classes, in High School as well as in Mathematics classes of Elementary School. When inserted in the classroom, along with the content addressed, educational robotics plays the role of facilitator to the teacher, in function of their contributions in helping students to learn. Thus, this work presents a proposal of educational robotics activities for teachers of Basic Education, so that they can apply them in the classroom using the materials available at the school where they work. Consequently, there is a contribution to deepening the school curriculum and the importance that the planning and the methodology can offer when developing projects related to the most diverse themes, according to the need and the context of each school community. In this process, teaching is made relevant through cross-cutting themes, since they address everyday issues of the individual. In this sense, the work points to the possibility of implementing educational robotics in the school curriculum, using the tools that the school has, such as the LEGO kit, SuperLogo programming language, as well as other devices. Through research and analysis of materials available in schools, it is possible to plan the qualification of professionals in the area of Mathematics, as well as other areas of knowledge, so that in their classes they can take advantage of this rich material and stimulate the school community as a all to reflect on situations occurring daily through practical classes, enabling them to contact new technologies and new teaching methodologies. As an alternative for a more effective learning, it is aimed at an improvement of the teaching and stimulation of mathematical learning through these resources, in order to awaken in the students the interest and the taste for the discipline, in the attempt to construct the mathematical concepts related to the problem situations experienced by the student.
Palabras clave : Matemática
Jogos educativos
Educação matemática
Ensino e aprendizagem
Language: por
Country: Brasil
Editorial : Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul
Acronym of the institution: UFFS
College, Institute or Department: Campus Chapecó
Name of Program of Postgraduate studies: Programa de Pós-Graduação Profissional em Matemática em Rede Nacional
Type of Access: Acesso Aberto
URI : https://rd.uffs.edu.br/handle/prefix/2168
Fecha de publicación : 2018
metadata.dc.level: Mestrado profissional
Aparece en las colecciones: Programa de Pós-Graduação Profissional em Matemática em Rede Nacional

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