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Type: Artigo de Periódico
Title: Conciliando cardápios saudáveis e sustentáveis com menor custo em restaurante universitário
Other Titles: Reconciling healthy and sustainable menus at a lower cost in a university restaurant
Author: Lima, Felipe Alencar Alves
Paião, Adayse Fernanda
Triches, Rozane Marcia
Resume: Buscou-se analisar aspectos ambientais (pegada hídrica e pegada de carbono), nutricionais e de custo de cardápios oferecidos em restaurante universitário (RU), a fim de identificar os mais aptos a conciliar qualidade nutricional e sustentabilidade com menor custo. Foram utilizadas fichas técnicas dos cardápios onívoros e vegetarianos oferecidos no RU e calculadas a pegada hídrica (PH), pegada de carbono (PC), macro e micronutrientes e custo de cada cardápio. Houve diferenças significativas entre cardápios onívoros e vegetarianos na PH (p<0,00), na PC (p<0,00), em alguns nutrientes e no custo (p<0,00). Dentre os cardápios onívoros, houve diferenças entre carne bovina e outros tipos de carne nas duas pegadas (PH p=0,026 e PC p=0,009). No cardápio vegetariano, as diferenças se deram entre proteína de soja e ovos (PH p=0,007 e PC p=0,049). Cardápios vegetarianos demonstram menores pegadas ambientais, menor custo e oferecem grande parte dos nutrientes em quantidades adequadas
Abstract: We sought to analyze environmental aspects (water footprint and carbon footprint), nutritional aspects and the cost of menus offered in a university restaurant (RU), identifying which ones are more apt to reconcile quality nutrition and sustainability at a lower cost. Data sheets of omnivorous and vegetarian menus offered in the RU were used and the water footprint (WF), carbon footprint (CF), macro and micronutrients and cost of each menu were calculated. There were significant differences between omnivorous and vegetarian menus in WF (p<0.00), CF (p<0.00), in some nutrients and in cost (p<0.00). Among the omnivorous menus, there were differences between beef and other types of meat in the two footprints (WF p=0.026 and CF p=0.009). In the vegetarian menu, the differences were between soy protein and eggs (WF p=0.007 and CF p=0.049). Vegetarian menus demonstrate smaller environmental footprints, lower cost and offer most of the nutrients in adequate amounts.
Keywords: Restaurantes
Segurança alimentar
Language: por
Country: Brasil
Publisher: Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul
Acronym of the institution: UFFS
Type of Access: Acesso Aberto
Issue Date: 22-Apr-2023
metadata.dc.relation.ispartof: Interfaces Científica
metadata.dc.citation.issue: 2
metadata.dc.citation.volume: 9
Appears in Collections:Nutrição

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